International travel and insurance

International Travel and Insurance: What You Need to Know 

Passport, check. Fancy new suitcase, check. Sense of adventure, double check. When you’re heading out on an international trip, there is so much excitement! But compared to a simple road trip to one of South Carolina’s glorious beaches, there’s a lot more to think. Will my health insurance cover me abroad? Does my car insurance cover me if I drive in a foreign country? What if my trip gets cancelled? It can seem overwhelming! That’s why we’ve gathered the “big three” insurance concerns for foreign travel that will help you have the trip of a lifetime while staying safe in a foreign land. 

Will my health insurance cover me in a foreign country? 

United States health insurance plans generally do not cover medical care in other countries, including routine medical care, prescriptions, and even emergency care. If you end up at the doctor or in the hospital abroad, you will likely need to pay any medical costs incurred out of pocket. 

To be covered for medical costs abroad, you’ll need to purchase travel medical insurance. There are plenty of travel medical insurance policies you can choose from, so compare plans and see which fits your needs and budget. You may also want to consider purchasing a medical evacuation policy, which would pay the extravagant amount of money it would cost to have you airlifted from your location back to the United States to get the treatment you need. 

Will my car insurance cover me while driving in another country? 

Most U.S. car insurance companies will not cover your car or RV when it’s being driven in another country, with the exception of Canada and Mexico. If you’re traveling to one of our neighboring countries, call your insurance company and see if you’d be covered. If you’re traveling overseas to another continent, your car insurance most likely will not apply, even if you’re shipping your car along. In that case, you’ll need to purchase a travel car insurance policy to cover your car while out of the country in case you get into an accident

If you’re renting a car in a foreign country, the easiest way to get coverage is to pay for insurance through your rental car company. For just a few dollars per day, you can have peace of mind to explore, and that’s well worth it! 

What if I have to cancel my trip? 

Missing a trip hurts. Missing a trip and watching thousands of dollars go down the drain hurts worse. Luckily, you don’t have to leave your international travel investment up to chance. Travel insurance can be purchased to cover trip cancellation as well as baggage loss, accidental death and dismemberment, quarantine accommodations, and more. Travel insurance is not expensive, so consider purchasing a policy before leaving the country. 

Need help making sure you’re covered before your next international trip? 

Give Edwards Insurance Agency in Taylors, SC a call today. We’re the insurance experts, and we can answer any questions you have about international travel and car insurance coverage, and a whole lot more. Call us today!