5 Ways To Lose Your Workers’ Compensation Insurance Claim

5 Ways To Lose Your Workers’ Compensation Insurance Claim 

When you’re hurt on the job, you expect your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance to step up to pay for your medical care, lost wages, and even disability benefits. But getting your workers’ comp claim denied is more common than you think. If you’ve been hurt on the job, and you want to make sure you don’t put yourself at risk of losing your wages or medical care, make sure you avoid these five things. 

  1. You don’t report your injuries right away 

One of the key factors in having a workers’ comp claim paid is proving that the injury happened at work and that the injury or illness is not a pre-existing condition. This means, if you do get injured at work, make sure you tell your employer right away. In South Carolina, failure to report a work-related illness or injury within 90 days may disqualify you from receiving workers’ compensation benefits. If you are injured on the job, tell your supervisor, manager or on-site nurse immediately, preferably in writing. 

  1. You don’t accurately describe your injuries to your doctor 

Your workers’ comp claim will be dependent on a report and diagnosis from a medical doctor. Accurately report the details of your injury to your doctor, such as the time and location the accident happened, the circumstances in which it happened, and all your symptoms. Don’t embellish your symptoms. If you do, the doctor may note that in your medical report, and it could cause your claim to be flagged or denied. 

  1. You don’t follow doctor’s orders 

After seeing your doctor, you’ll most likely be put on a treatment plan that may include surgery, prescription medicines, bed rest, rehabilitation or physical therapy. You also will likely be required to attend follow-up doctor’s visits. If you do not comply with your doctor’s treatment plan or skip follow-up visits, your workers’ comp claim may be denied. 

  1. Getting caught doing more than you said you could 

If you told your employer that you’re too sick or injured to work, but then get caught doing strenuous activities like yard work, sports, or helping your friend move, not only will your claim be denied, but you could find yourself on the business end of a lawsuit, too. Never exaggerate your condition, and stick to activities that won’t further aggravate your injuries until cleared by your doctor. 

  1. Filing a claim without legal representation 

Workers’ compensation insurance companies employ teams of lawyers to ensure they don’t pay on illegitimate claims and don’t pay more than is absolutely necessary for medical care, rehabilitation, and other benefits on legitimate ones. When you file a workers’ comp claim without legal representation on your side, you’re putting yourself at the mercy of the insurance company’s lawyers. It’s a good idea to hire a lawyer to work for you to make sure you get a fair payout for your injuries and care.