classic car show

The year’s more than half over, but the classic car circuit is still running hot in South Carolina. As classic car enthusiasts ourselves, we not only sell classic car insurance, but we LOVE to go to classic car shows all over the state, too!

car insurance rates

If you’re looking for affordable car insurance in South Carolina, you’re probably wondering why some people pay less and some people pay more for car insurance, often for the exact same vehicle!

Insurance carriers look at a variety of factors to determine how much each driver should pay for car insurance. These factors determine how likely the driver is to file a claim and, in turn, cost the company money. Here are five things that affect your car insurance rates in South Carolina.

save money on car insurance

Nobody wants to pay more than they have to for car insurance. But going with a discount car insurance company isn’t the way to do it. When you’ve been in an accident, a victim of a hit and run, or had your car destroyed in a storm, you want to be sure that you’re actually going to get the help you need. Discount car insurance companies aren’t famous for being there when you need them.

teen driver

As a parent, you’re probably wondering what to do now that your teen is about to drive for the first time. Back when you were 16 and a first-time driver, after all, it was your parents that took care of everything – all you had to do was learn to “keep it between the lines.”