The temperature is rising, and so are homeowners claims! With summer’s outdoor fun and intense storms, the chance that you’ll find yourself filing a homeowners claim for an accident, injury or storm rises with the thermometer. Here are three of the most common summertime homeowners claims and what you can do to decrease the likelihood that they’ll happen to you.
When it comes to finding affordable homeowners insurance in South Carolina, you have wondered if there are ways to save money on your property insurance other than going with a discount insurer. There’s a lot you can do to pay less for insurance on your home, all while getting the reliable protection you need in case of a fire, burglary, or storm.
You may think the biggest threat to your home is a fire, storm or flood. All of those can be devastating to your family, but there’s one hidden danger that can wreck your family’s finances and quality of life for years — not buying enough homeowners insurance.